The table below lists Indigenous language programs from educational institutions across Canada, along with the languages they teach, their level of instruction, location and contact information.

In the case of Indigenous languages which exist on either side of political borders, some sources may represent tools and resources from the United States.

The level of instruction for each program is organized as follows:

  • Early Childhood Education – Instruction for children younger than school age, ages 0-5 (i.e. Language Nest, Preschool).
  • Kindergarten – The first year of school-age instruction, ages 4-6.
  • Elementary – Grades 1-6, ages 5-11.
  • Intermediate – Grades 7-8, ages 10-14.
  • Secondary – Grades 9-12, ages 13-18 (i.e. High School).

How do I find a program?

By default, the table is sorted alphabetically by program name. You can use the dropdowns above it to filter by language, level of instruction, and region, or type a keyword into the search box to narrow down the list. You can clear filters by clicking the Reset button that appears next to the dropdowns. Select the arrows at the top of a column to sort it from A to Z, or select them again to reverse the order. Select “More Info” to the left of a program for details and a link to its website. Please note, no French translations are available for these resources at this time.

ProgramLanguagesLanguages ENLevels of InstructionInstitutionCommunityRegionDetailsWebpagehf:tax:language-enhf:tax:regionhf:tax:level-of-instruction
(Gi) Kinaa'amaadiiwigamingoons (The Little Teaching Lodge)Anishinaabemowin, ininímowin, MichifMichif, Ojibwe, Swampy CreeEarly ChildhoodBrandon Friendship CentreBrandonMBA specialized preschool program for Indigenous children, balancing cultural knowledge with academic ojibwe swampy-creembearly-childhood
Bilingual Cree ProgramininímowinSwampy CreeElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenIsaac Brock SchoolWinnipegMBK-7 bilingual education. This program includes land-based intermediate kindergarten
Bilingual Ojibwe ProgramAnishinaabemowinOjibweElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenIsaac Brock SchoolWinnipegMBK-7 bilingual education. This program includes land-based intermediate kindergarten
Cree and Ojibwe Language InstructionAnishinaabemowin, ininímowinOjibwe, Swampy CreeElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenNiji Mahkwa SchoolWinnipegMBK-8 school which incorporates Cree and Ojibwe language and culture across all subjects with compulsory langauge swampy-creembelementary intermediate kindergarten
Enhanced First Nations EducationWolastoqeyMaliseetElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryAnglophone School District WestWolastoqiyik CommunitiesNBLanguage instruction offered across K-12 in certain schools, through "enhancements", which are programs aimed at catering to the specific needs for Indigenous students' success in public intermediate kindergarten secondary
Eskasoni Immersion SchoolMi'kmawMi’kmawElementary, KindergartenEssissoqnwey Siawa’sik-l’nuey Kina’matinewo’kuo’mEskasoniNSMi'kmaw language immersion for grades kindergarten
Ëyetinëtšinéhshö’ Immersed Learning Nest (ËILN)Onöndowa'ga:' Gawë:nö'SenecaEarly ChildhoodOnöndowa'ga:' Gawë:nö' (Seneca Language) DepartmentCattaraugusNYLanguage nest for children and their caregivers to increase immersive interactions with their language. US resource representative of language family from Six Nations of the Grand River (Brantford, ON)
First Nation LanguagesGwich'in, TlingitGwich'in, TlingitIntermediate, SecondaryF.H. Collins Secondary SchoolWhitehorseYKSecond language courses in Tlingit for grades 11-12, and Gwich'in for grades tlingitykintermediate secondary
Gwich'in LanguageGwich'inGwich'inEarly Childhood, Elementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryChief Zzeh Gittlit SchoolOld CrowYKAll students take part in Gwich'in language instruction and cultural activities, including land-based learning experiences. School includes Early Childhood Education, and classes elementary intermediate kindergarten secondary
Inuvialut Child Development ProgramInuvialuktunInuvialuktunEarly ChildhoodInuvialut Regional CorporationTuktoyaktuk, Aklavik, Ulukhaktok, Paulatuk, InuvikNTEarly childhood education program delivered in tandem with Child Development Centres and Aboriginal Head Start inititatives across the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. For children 6 months - 5 years
Kahnawà:ke Survival School Kanien'kéhaMohawkIntermediate, SecondaryKahnawà:ke Education CentreKahnawà:keQCInstruction for grades 7-12 using a curriculum based on Kanien'kehá:ka language, beliefs, and secondary
Kapapamahchakwew - Wandering Spirit SchoolAnishinaabemowinOjibweElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryToronto District School BoardTorontoONIndigenous school with holistic focus on Indigenous culture, worldview, language across all subjects for intermediate kindergarten secondary
Karonhianónhnha Tsi IonterihwaienstáhkhwaKanien'kéhaMohawkEarly Childhood, Elementary, KindergartenKahnawà:ke Education CentreKahnawà:keQCOffers Kanien’kéha immersion in all core academic subjects from Early Childhood to grade 6. Grade five and six students receive English as a secondary language, with French offered as a third language of instruction beginning in grade elementary kindergarten
KaskaKaskaKaskaElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryRoss River SchoolRoss RiverYKTwo dedicated Kaska language teachers staffed for in-school instruction. Students take part in cultural activities on the land, according to the season. The school includes classes from intermediate kindergarten secondary
Kaska 10-12KaskaKaskaSecondaryWatson Lake Secondary SchoolWatson LakeYKKaska language offerings for grade 10-12 students. School operates grades
Kaska LanguageKaskaKaskaEarly Childhood, Elementary, Intermediate, KindergartenJohnson Elementary SchoolWatson LakeYKKaska language offered to all students. Language materials available online. School includes Early Childhood Education and grades elementary intermediate kindergarten
Kawenna’on:we Primary SchoolKanien'kéhaMohawkEarly Childhood, Elementary, KindergartenTsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:naTyendinagaONEmphasis on building knowledge though the development of a child’s creativity, imagination and awareness through storytelling, music and land-based education. Early Childhood Education and grades K-4 elementary kindergarten
Kihew Waciston Cree Immersion SchoolnêhiyawêwinPlains CreeEarly Childhood, Elementary, KindergartenOnion Lake EducationOnion LakeSKFocuses on language retention, spoken language, and Cree identity for Early Childhood and grades elementary kindergarten
Kʷak̓ʷala and Lik̓ʷala Bilingual ProgramKwak̓wala, Lik̓walaKwak̓wala, Liq'walaElementary, KindergartenRipple Rock ElementaryCampbell RiverBCKʷak̓ʷala and Lik̓ʷala is the main language of instruction and English is used to support understanding within the lessons. Students are encouraged to interact with their Indigenous language for all school-related activities across grades liqwalabcelementary kindergarten
Language and CultureNedut'en/Witsuwit'enNedut'en/Witsuwit'enElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenWitset Elementary SchoolWitsetBCLanguage and culture taught for grades intermediate kindergarten
Language Nest Early Childhood ProgramDakelhCarrierEarly ChildhoodLhoosk'uz Dene SchoolKluskus VillageBCImmerses children ages 0-5 in Dakelh
Language/Culture ProgrammingDënesųłinë́, nêhiyawêwinDene, Plains CreeElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryAthabasca Delta Community SchoolFort ChipewyanABK-9 language instruction and land-based programming elements. plains-creeabelementary intermediate kindergarten secondary
Métis/Michif Cultural ProgramMichifMichifElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenWestmount SchoolSaskatoonSKStudents are exposed to Métis/Michif culture that infuses content, perspectives, and languages throughout the school day in all curricular areas for grades intermediate kindergarten
Mi'kmaw ImmersionMi'kmawMi'kmawElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenElsipogtog SchoolElsipogtog First NationNBK-8 school that incorporates Mi'kmaw language and culture for language intermediate kindergarten
Michif Pre-kindergartenMichifMichifEarly ChildhoodLiving Sky School DivisionBattlefordSKAimed to promote, protect and preserve Métis culture and the Michif language through full-day programming Monday-Thursday each
Mii Taant Leur Plaas (Auntie's Place) Michif Early LearningMichifMichifEarly Childhood, KindergartenWestmount SchoolSaskatoonSKChildren aged 3-5 learn the Michif language and cultur​​e through play and exploration, storytelling and songs with an increased focus on traditions, customs and kindergarten
Mushuau Innu Natuashish SchoolInnu-aimunInnu-aimunElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryMushuau Innu Natuashish SchoolSheshatshiuNLEmbeds Innu culture and Innu-aimun into instruction for early childhood and K-12 intermediate kindergarten secondary
Native LanguageNorthern TutchoneNorthern TutchoneElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryJ.V. Clark SchoolMayoYKPer Government of Yukon requirement, First Nations languages are taught in Yukon schools. School includes classes intermediate kindergarten secondary
Native LanguageNorthern TutchoneNorthern TutchoneElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryEliza Van Bibber SchoolPelly CrossingYKPer Government of Yukon requirement, First Nations languages are taught in Yukon schools. School includes classes intermediate kindergarten secondary
Native LanguageSouthern TutchoneSouthern TutchoneElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenElijah Smith Elementary SchoolWhitehorseYKIn-school instruction for grades intermediate kindergarten
Nehiyaw Pimatisiwin Cree Language and CulturenêhiyawêwinPlains CreeElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryEdmonton Catholic SchoolsEdmontonABOffered in K-12 at Ben Calf Robe-St. Clare Catholic Elementary/Junior High School, Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School, St. Benedict Catholic Elementary School, St. Francis Assisi Catholic Elementary School, St. Joseph Catholic High School, St. Thomas More Catholic Junior High intermediate kindergarten secondary
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) KindergartenInuktitutInuktitutKindergartenInuuqatigiit CentreOttawaONEmphasizes smooth transition to OCDSB grade school. Classes delivered by an OCDSB Kindergarten teacher, Early Childhood Educator, and an Inuit cultural
Second Language ProgramAnishinaabemowin, ininímowinOjibwe, Swampy CreeSecondaryChildren of the Earth High SchoolWinnipegMBSecond language instruction for grades swampy-creembsecondary
Secwépemc ImmersionSecwepemctsínSecwepemctsínEarly Childhood, Elementary, KindergartenChief Atahm SchoolChaseBCImmersion from Language Nest and Early Childhood to grade elementary kindergarten
SENĆOŦEN LE,NOṈET SCUL,ÁUTW̱ – SENĆOŦEN Survival SchoolSENĆOŦENSENĆOŦENEarly Childhood, Elementary, KindergartenW̱SÁNEĆ School BoardBrentwood BayBCNo English language is used in instruction for children in the immersion programs. Classroom instruction is ehnaced with outdoor land-based learning. Offered through language nest for Early Childhood and in-class for grades elementary kindergarten
Sheshatshiu Innu SchoolInnu-aimunInnu-aimunElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondarySheshatshiu Innu SchoolSheshatshiuNLInnu language classes and land-based learning focus for K-12 intermediate kindergarten secondary
Sivummut Head StartInuktitutInuktitutEarly ChildhoodInuuqatigiit CentreOttawaONComprised of two half-day programs for Inuit children ages 18 mos to 6 yrs-old. The program is based on Inuit principles for early learning, and provincial
Skyzeh Habi YikhNedut'en/Witsuwit'enNedut'en/Witsuwit'enSecondarySkyzeh Habi YikhWitsetBCLanguage and customs are integrated into culture camps with Elder participation. Grades
Southern TutchoneSouthern TutchoneSouthern TutchoneIntermediate, SecondaryPorter Creek Secondary SchoolWhitehorseYKLanguage classes for grades secondary
Southern TutchoneSouthern TutchoneSouthern TutchoneEarly Childhood, Elementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryKluane Lake SchoolDestruction BayYKIn-school language instruction and land-based learning for Early Childhood and grades elementary intermediate kindergarten secondary
Southern Tutchone Kwata kets'adan kuSouthern TutchoneSouthern TutchoneElementary, Intermediate, KindergartenHidden Valley SchoolWhitehorseYKIn-school instruction for grades K-7, including land-based learning through Kwata kets'adan ku ("Bush School") intermediate kindergarten
SX̱EDJELI (Hummingbird) Childcare CentreSENĆOŦENSENĆOŦENEarly ChildhoodTsawout First NationSaanichtonBCParent participation immersion program for ages 0-2.5 years, full immersion for ages
Talking the Southern Tutchone WaySouthern TutchoneSouthern TutchoneElementary, Intermediate, SecondarySt. Elias Community SchoolHaines JunctionYKIn-school instruction for grades intermediate secondary
Tlingit Language & Cultural ProgramsTlingitTlingitElementary, Intermediate, Kindergarten, SecondaryGhùch Tlâ Community SchoolCarcrossYKTlingit language instruction along with land-based and cultural activities for grades intermediate kindergarten secondary
Tumiralaat Child CareInuktitutInuktitutEarly ChildhoodInuuqatigiit CentreOttawaONA licensed full day, year-round childcare centre for Inuit children ages 18 months to 6 years. Focus on Inuit values regarding self, family, community, resilience, learning, and respect for the
Tunngasugit Language NestInuktutInuktutEarly ChildhoodTunngasugitWinnipegMBChildren ages 0-5 interact with fluent Inuktut speakers in both unstructured and structured play. Only Inuktut is spoken so the children will be immersed in the language the entire time they are in the language
Wolastoqey Land Based ImmersionWolastoqeyMaliseetEarly ChildhoodKehkimin Wolastoqey Language Immersion SchoolFrederictonNBEarly childhood immersion program in the Wolastoqey


The information in this database has been collected by the Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages (the Commission) based on publicly available information, current as of 01/01/2025. While we strive for accuracy, the information provided in this resource may contain inaccuracies or omissions due to the ever-changing subject matter.

The inclusion of any information in this database does not constitute involvement with nor endorsement by the Commission. The included data has been brought together in one place to improve the ease of access to resources which support Indigenous language revitalizers.

For database corrections and additions, please notify the Commission via E-Mail: