On June 21st, 2023, the Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages joins with the rest of Canada in acknowledging and celebrating National Indigenous People’s Day.


As we honour the cultures and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, we must remember the central role that Indigenous languages serve in building up culture, securing identity, and enriching the lives of Indigenous and non-Indigenous persons alike.


This day is also significant for the Commission as it marks the 4th anniversary of the Indigenous Languages Act receiving Royal Assent, and the 2nd anniversary of the appointment of our Commissioner of Indigenous Languages, and the Commission’s three Directors.  Finally, this June 21st marks another critical milestone as the Commission will host the grand opening of our main office in Ottawa (Odawa), Ontario.


June 21st—the Summer Solstice—has always held great cultural and spiritual significance for Indigenous communities, which is why this date was chosen for National Indigenous People’s Day. The Solstice is a day for celebration, but also marks the beginning of preparation for the winter to come. Likewise, the Commission looks forward to celebrating the richness and beauty of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis languages, while we also prepare for the hard work and long journey ahead, as we strive for a world in which all languages are safe, vibrant, and thriving.